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Privacy Policy

Who we are

GPLDAY provides various WordPress products, under GPL/GNU License, like Themes, Plugins, WooCommerce Extensions, Scripts and other GPL/GNU products, at discounted prices.

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The Collection of Data & GDPR

The EU General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (“GDPR”) comes into effect on 25thMay 2018 and will replace all the European Data Protection Laws. The GDPR strengthens and unifies data protection rights for individuals throughout the EU.

The GDPR is intended to give you more control over how companies such as collect data from you and how it is used. In particular GDPR focuses on data collected which is “Personal Data”; such personal data may be your email address, your first and last name, or your IP address. Where we collect Personal Data this policy tells you where is it collected, the type of data that is collected, the legal basis upon which we process that data, the reason for collecting the data, and the use we make of the data.

Notes are also provided which provide more information on the processing of that particular data source.

What Types of Data do we Collect & When?

Below sets out the data that gathers from our website visitors and our users. We detail below when we collect data, the type of data we collect and then what we do with that data and why.

Signing-up for a account

Point of Collection: Signing-up for a account
Type of Personal Data Collected: Upon sign-up, we collect: name, an email address; country of origin, password and/or IP address.

The basis for Processing: when you sign-up in, you are giving us your clear consent that we may process your personal data for those specific purposes set out in our Terms & Conditions and this Privacy Policy; and/or the processing of your personal data is necessary for the contract you have entered into with us and enables us to deliver service to you.

Reason for Collection: The data collected enables us to create your account and give you a unique and secure way of logging into your account for manage your purchases, general information and downloads.

Use of Data Collected: We will use this data to manage all aspects of your Account subscription including by way of example: the creation of a subscription; dealing with any queries relating to your subscription and billing; dealing with payment queries.

Notes: This data is not shared with any third parties. If you do not wish to receive these emails please contact us. We do not store raw passwords.

Your Navigation & Use of Website & Services

Point of Collection: Your Navigation & Use of Website & Service Type of Data Collected: When you arrive at the website we may use visitors analytics tool to track how you arrived on our website, how you navigate through the website and on to sign-up. We may also track the use you make of the service, including by way of example, when and how you make use of individual features, when and how you set-up tests and/or alerts. (collectively “Navigational Data”)

Basis for Processing: The basis upon which we process your Navigational Data is as follows: when you sign-up for a account you are giving us your clear consent that we may process your personal data for those specific purposes set-out in our Terms & Conditions and this GDPR Compliance Statement & Privacy Policy; and/or the processing of your personal data is necessary for the contract you have entered into with us, and enables us to deliver the service to you.

Reason for Collection: The Navigational Data collected enables us to understand how you and/or our users as a whole make use of the website and service.

Use of Data Collected: We may use the Navigational Data collected to: understand how you and our other users arrive at the website and navigate our website; understand how you use the product; use your data individually and/or aggregated to improve the usability of the product; and/or use your data to answer your customer support queries.

Notes: When you sign-up for a account the Navigational Data which has been collected via Google Analytics. Up until the point of account creation (at which point processing consent is given), we do not tie any of your Navigational Data to your Personal Data. This will not stop you from experiencing the full benefits of the website and service. Save as set out above, we do not share your information with any third parties.

Is My Personal Data & Other Information Safe & Secure?

We employ a number of steps-and-measures to ensure that all information and Personal Data we collect is protected from unauthorised access, use and/or disclosure.

As well as putting in place technological security measures, we also ensure that our entire team are trained in data security and that each of them has contractual obligations in their contracts of employment not to disclose information to anyone who is not entitled to have it.

How can I Access, Amend, Correct and/or Delete my Personal Data?

You have the right at any time to access any Personal Data we hold about you, and where you feel the Personal Information that we hold is not correct, to request that the Personal Information is corrected. You also have the right to have your Personal Information deleted.

All of the Personal Information, along with other data collected (as noted in the table above) is information that you can access, amend or delete by logging into your account.

If you have any questions about accessing, correcting, amending, ordeleting your information then you can contact us.

International Data Transfers

Any and all Personal Data that we collect from within the EU/ European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland is processed and stored within the UK.

In the event that Personal Data is transferred outside of the EU/EEA and/or Switzerland, we ensure that at all times that we provide the same level of privacy protection as is required by the EU-US Privacy Shield framework and/or any other framework determined by the European Commission to provide adequate protection for data transfers from the EU and/or Switzerland to the US.

Third-Party Service Providers

We share information, including personal information, with our third-party service providers that we use to provide hosting for and
maintenance of our Websites, customer service, application development, backup, storage, payment processing, analytics and other services for us.

These third-party service providers may have access to or process your personal information for the purpose of providing these services for us. We do not permit our third-party service providers to use the personal information that we share with them for their marketing purposes or for any other purpose than in connection with the services they provide to us.

Disclosure of Personal Data

We will not disclose your Personal Data to any third party unless as otherwise explicitly set out in this GDPR Compliance Statement & Privacy Policy. We may however at times be required by law, a competent regulatory authority, by a court, to disclose your Personal Information. Where this occurs we will where it is practical for us to do so and/or to the extent that we are not otherwise restricted from doing so, notify you before disclosing your Personal Data.

How Long Do We Keep Your Information

The length of time we keep your Personal Data and other information will depend on both the nature of the information we have gathered and the use we make of that information.

Unless we are required by law to keep your Personal Data and other information for a certain amount of time, we will not ordinarily keep your information longer than is necessary, given the purpose for what that information for collected by us.

Our Cookies Policy

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file, which is unique to you and allows the Websites to recognize your computer or any such other device which you may use from time-to-time for browsing the Internet (collectively “Your Computer”).

We may use cookies and other “tags” (sometimes referred to as “web-beacons” or “pixel tags”) (collectively “Cookie(s)”) to provide you with more personalised service on the Websites or to aid or track your navigation around our website.

If you do choose not to accept any of our Cookies some of the functionality or personalized version of the Websites may not be available to you.

When Do We Use Cookies?

When you register to receive information on the Websites and/or register to use the Services we may allocate a Cookie to Your Computer (“Registration Cookie”).

A Registration Cookie may hold any information collection during your registration or sign-up and allows us to recognize you and provide you with the information or services that you require. If your browser is not set to accept Cookies you may not be able to register for and/or sign-up for the Services.

In addition to Registration Cookies, we may from time-to-time use other types of Cookie to gather information. Such Cookies may include, but not be limited to “session-based” Cookies which are allotted to Your Computer for the duration of your visit to the but will be deleted when you close down your Internet browser.

All use of Cookie gathered information is made in accordance with our GDPR Compliance Statement & Privacy Policy.

Changes to this GDPR Compliance Statement & Privacy Policy, & Cookies Policy

This GDPR Compliance Statement & Privacy Policy, along with our Cookies Policy, may be modified from time-to-time. We recommend that you regularly review this page to ensure that you are aware of any changes made to it.

You will be bound by any changes to this GDPR Compliance Statement & Privacy Policy from the moment you make any use of the service after amendments have been made.

In the event that we make any material changes to this GDPR Compliance Statement & Privacy Policy, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you of those changes, by way of example only, whether through in-app notification or by email. GDPR Compliance Statement & Privacy Policy – Last Updated July 22, 2020.

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