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How to Install WordPress Plugins and Themes

This straightforward article will shows you exactly how to install all GPL items downloaded from GPLDAY.COM on your WordPress site(s).

Install WordPress Plugin ZIP File

  1. Login to GPLDAY.COM
  2. Go to My Account and download the plugin zip file(s)
  3. Login to your WordPress Admin Dashboard
  4. Go to Plugins >> Add New >> Upload Plugin
  5. Select the ZIP file you downloaded
  6. Click Install Now button
  7. Once installed, click Activate.

Install WordPress Theme ZIP File

  1. Login to GPLDAY.COM
  2. Go to My Account and download the plugin zip file(s)
  3. Login to your WordPress Admin Dashboard
  4. Go to Appearance >> Themes >> Add New >> Upload Theme
  5. Select the ZIP file you downloaded
  6. Click Install Now button
  7. Once installed, click Activate.

Important Notes to Avoid Errors

Check The ZIP File Before Uploading

Some items (mostly themes) are double-compressed. Therefore, please open every ZIP file you downloaded from our site to see whether you need to decompress (unzip) it first or not.

Example of double-compressed ZIP file

If you find no PHP file once you open the ZIP file, that means it’s a double-compressed ZIP file. You need to unzip it to get the actual install-able ZIP file.

Example of single-compressed ZIP file

If you see PHP files without having to open another ZIP file inside, that means you can directly use and upload the ZIP file. Plugins are mostly single-compressed and are ready to upload.

Check your product when downloading BEFORE INSTALLING to see if this is the case. Because if it is, the main zip you downloaded will not be installed. Instead, it will cause installation errors like “CSS stylesheet not found“.

Unzip the main zip and you will find the installable zip inside.

Minimum Server Requirements

Make sure your webhosting server has access to following server resources and settings (minimum):

  • Apache, Nginx, OpenLitespeed, or LiteSpeed webserver
  • PHP version 5.6 or 7.0
  • MySQL version 5.6+ or MariaDB version 10.0+
  • 1 CPU core
  • 512MB RAM

Minimum PHP Settings

We recommend you to edit php.ini file and adjust its settings to following levels:

max_execution_time = 600;
max_input_vars = 5000;
memory_limit = 256M;
post_max_size = 128M;
upload_max_filesize = 128M;

Know ZIP Files You Downloaded

Make sure you can distinguish between a WordPress theme file and a plugin file. Therefore, you must upload a plugin ZIP file through Plugins menu, and upload a theme ZIP file through Themes menu in your WordPress dashboard.

Do a quick research on Google. Take your time to read plugin’s or theme’s documentation if any.

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