
NEX-Forms v7.6.1

Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $1.99.


NEX-Forms is the best WordPress Form Builder plugin for creating simple to complex forms. With tons off add-ons and features NEX-Forms is a complete online form and form building solution.


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Download NEX-Forms full latest version WordPress Form Builder plugin installer (ZIP) file from direct link here. GPL Licensed, not nulled, clean code.

Form Analytics – Analytics that gives you stats of form views, form submissions and even form interactions! Complete with line, bar, pie, polar and radar charts. NEX-Forms also provides you with GeoLocation stats! Now you can see where your form submissions came from!

Cost Estimations / Math Logic – Use Math Logic to perform cost calculations based on user selections. Use any custom formulas on any number of fields!

Fully Responsive – NEX-Forms easily and efficiently scales to any device from phones to tablets to desktops.

Interactive Forms – Interact in real-time with your users by displaying the users input in the forms in a manner of conversation.

Conditional Logic – NEX-Forms includes advanced conditional logic to show and hide form elements based on your users input. Add unlimited rules with multiple conditions and multiple actions. For example, add a rule that has a condition for 3 conditions to be true before running any number of actions.

50+ Form Elements – Make use of 50+ Bootstrap styled fields with pixel perfect precision! From special fields to uploaders and your most common form fields.

Create any form type with the Best WordPress Form Builder Plugin on the market.


Contact Form Builder
Interactive Form Builder
Cost Estimation Form Builder
PayPal Form Builder
Quiz Form Builder
Booking Form Builder
Application Form Builder
Quick Question Form Builder
Survey Form Builder
Contract Form Builder
Sticky Form Builder
Popup Form Builder
Feedback Form Builder
Multi-Step Form Builder
Order Form Builder
Payment Form Builder

Does this item include free updates?

Answer: Yes, we will update the file once a new version becomes available. You can download it in your member area.

Is this item nulled?

Answer: No, this is not a nulled WordPress theme/plugin. This item is released under GNU/GPL.

Is activation code included

Answer: No, we don't provide activation code nor license code. The product will still work without it.

Can I download the file immediately?

Answer: Yes, your file(s) will be available immediately after payment confirmed.

Do you provide support for this product?

Answer: No we don't! Please purchase directly from the developer(s) to obtain technical support for this product.

Is the file free from virus?

Answer: Yes, all theme and plugin code files are original, untouched, and unmodified. Feel free to scan it using VirusTotal, McAffee, Avast, WP Cerber, or your favourite antivirus software.

Do you provide refunds?

Answer: No, we just don't. Due to the nature of digital products.


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